Saturday, March 6, 2010

Setting the bar low

Well, this is not a great way to start my baking blog. Failure. Yes, failure. I found out that 1 cup of hot cocoa does NOT equal 1 cup of coffee as a substitute. Flat cake. GREAT smell though.

Am I giving up? Nope, I am trying the same recipe, but using less liquid. Maybe that will help.

Who will eat my mistakes?
{{{friend hugs}}}


  1. Guess what? It was not a mistake - that is how the cake is supposed to look! After baking the second cake, and having it look the same, I stacked it, frosted it, and got great reviews! Wish you could smell the rich chocolate..kind of like the 'Molten Lava' cake at Chili's ~ yummy!

  2. Does this mean you're not taking volunteers for taste-testing?? ;-)

  3. I HAVE to have help with taste testing - good thing you are on spring break soon!
